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Thank you so much, Anthony! I’ve been told by each committee member that my dissertation is NOT a book. But another mentor said, “You should think about your diss as a book and prep for that IF you want to publish it. Now, being in my dissertating year (goddess willing, final year since I was granted a completion fellowship, not a flex, but reality), I feel as if I’m writing separate academic articles for one big project and trying to wrap my head around the academic writing style I want to *invoke*, which has been challenging. Prior to this program, I wrote art criticism (even though I do not identify as an art critic (have been calling myself a writer) for a decade. Pivoting from that style of writing (for the general public albeit art and tech community) has not been easy. I’m doing the best I can and witnessing your journey is helping me understand where I want to be and see myself (as a writer as artist-scholar). Many thanks again for sharing this comparison. Give me so much perspective. Congrats!!! 🎉 Can’t wait to get BGLA and have it next to TLOA on my bookshelf! ☺️

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